Focused shock wave therapy
Focused shock wave therapy is a non-invasive treatment that, apart from orthopedics, has also found its role in urology, primarily in erectile dysfunction (ED) of vascular origin, CPPS - chronic pelvic pain syndrome and IPP or Peyronie's disease.
Scientific studies have proven success in the treatment of focused shock waves for these indications.
The effectiveness of this modern shock wave equipment is determined by the individually selected, dynamic and powerful energy range and selectable therapeutic depth of focus.
Deep-lying areas can be easily treated.
With its large focus area, it is easy to access these areas with a high degree of accuracy. These technical characteristics also show the superiority of the treatment compared to other devices.

Frequently Asked Questions
Who determines if I have any of these problems and what does the initial examination look like?
You have your first contact and examination with a urologist. During the first visit, you can pre-do some of the characteristic blood tests, which will mean that the doctor has a clearer picture of the organic component of the origin of the dysfunction through the anamnesis and the interpretation of those results.
Characteristic analyzes are: complete blood count, glycemia, total cholesterol, HDL and LDL, triglycerides, transaminases, alkaline phosphatase, vitamin D.
Subsequently, if there is a need, hormonal analyzes are also performed.
What are the advantages of focus shockwave therapy and why is it better than the current method of treatment?
Specifically for the problem of ED - current therapy in the form of PDE5 - (phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors) solves the need, but you are burdened pharmacologically. The existing network of blood vessels, most often accompanied by atherosclerosis and reduced blood flow to the penis, remains the same.
The advantage of ESWT (shockwave therapy) is reflected in the reaction of better blood supply to the existing ones and the creation of a new network of blood vessels, where you can create and maintain an erection without pharmacological stimulation. You can see more about it on the page ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION where you have a short film and an explanation.
Is the treatment painful and how long does it take?
The treatment is not painful. It is not necessary to consume any analgesics before the treatment. For each of the above-mentioned diagnoses, it is necessary to place 3,000 strokes in the given anatomical regions, and this takes about 15-20 minutes.
How long is the therapy planned?
For diagnoses such as PPI and chronic pelvic pain, 4 treatments are provided once a week. The problem of ED requires 6 treatments which are also done once a week.
Who is the urologist who will examine me?
The urologist who will examine you is PROFESSOR DR SC. MED. ALEKSANDAR VUKSANOVIĆ from the urology clinic of the Clinical Center of Serbia.
When can I see the first results of the treatment?
Positive reactions are seen already after the second therapy, while the full potential of the therapy is expected after 3 months.
When can I repeat the shockwave therapy?
6 months after the last treatment, you can treat ED again with shock waves (no tissue damage occurs). This is described as a "booster" treatment.
How to schedule an examination?
By calling the ambulance phone 0614447544 or by sending an inquiry to the email centar@ you can get more information about the treatment itself as well as about the examination dates.